Clearing the Liver

In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), the liver is related to the spring element of wood. It is this time that the stiff, heaviness of the winters freeze transmutates into a more fluid energy. As the trees become more malleable to the warming airs and the melting snow, the human being is presented the opportunity to foster flexibility of mind, spirit, and body. With this, tensions often arise, one may feel more stagnant, and more lethargic if our bodies systems have difficulty metabolizing the heavy months of winter. As the world awakens to spring, so must we. To do so, in good health, requires attention to 2 Phases of Detoxification and 1 Phase of Elimination.

Metabolically, late winter into spring is a great time for clearing the liver, and similarly the gallbladder, for a renewed feeling of self.

Firstly, One must be sure that Elimination is regular. What is the point on detoxifying if the body isn’t expelling the toxins thru the bowels?

The liver tissue detoxifies by 2 Phases. Both are critical to maintaining healthy liver function.

It’s important to first know what the liver does. It has many key roles in the body. The liver assists on hormone production, digestion, and filters the blood. This massive organ cleans the blood, coming in from the digestive tract; of sugars, alcohols, and other toxins. Part of this process controls the metabolism of medications and detoxifies chemicals. The secretion of bile by the liver plays a key role in the digestion of fats and proteins. The role of the liver is continuous and truly sets the pace for which the metabolism of our bodies occur.

Phase 1 works to detoxify the tissue of the liver, freeing up the accumulated by products once cleared from the blood. These by products become trapped by the liver, inhibiting them from further traveling thru the body. Antioxidants free the ‘by product’ congested tissue of the liver, releasing molecular toxins into the body. These molecular toxins, cleared from phase 1, are often more toxic than the parent molecule that initially was cleared out of the blood. These toxic molecules then move into Phase 2. It is important to support Phase 2 of the liver to fully detoxify the body. In Phase 2, water soluble molecules, such as glutathione, glycine, or sulfate, bind to the reactive molecule. The result is a water soluble compound that is non-toxic and able to be excreted in the bile, urine, or stool; and thus eliminated from the body.

To not address both of these phases places one’s system in harms way. Inducing Phase 1 clearing and not Phase 2 may be associated with increased risk for conditions such as Parkinson’s and Lupus. Over the years, I myself am guilty of only cognitively addressing my liver thru phase 1 clearing and not having the awareness to the importance of supporting the full detoxification process of this vital organ. Fortunately, the detoxification of Phase 2 functions best upon healthy food selection and intake. The good news is that supporting the livers whole system in detoxification is as easy as taking hepatic benefiting herbs, eating a well balanced meal, and exercising.

Support Phase 1 detoxification

Shaking the liver free of that which is clogging its function may be done with a few simple herbal supplements. A quality multi vitamin food supplement assists the cellular function and detoxification. It is important to be sure it includes Zinc, Selenium, B6, Folate, B12,and Vitamin C. Milk Thistle is an excellent herb supporting both Phase 1 and 2 detoxification.

Support Phase 2 detoxification

To free the liver of those freed up toxins, include enzye cofactors such as B2, B3, B6, N12, and folic acid. AS well as sulfer containging compounds, meat protien has a relatively ligh amount of sulfur containing amino acids, as do eegs. Red grape skins contain ellagic acid whihc assist the freed toxins to neutralize and become water soluble. Also, blue green algae and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and couliflower).

Foods which address Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification

When working to detoxify the liver, it is important to focus product and food selection of those which are organic and containing less toxicity and higher nutrient density. Including the following recommendations into your daily routine will enhance the function and cleanse the liver gently. Foods that support both Phase 1 and 2 include

  • -Eggs and Whey protein, both contain sulfur containing proteins

  • -Daily intake of cruciferous vegetables, 1 cup. (arugula, bok choy, chard, kale, mustard greens, cabbage, radishes, turnips, cauliflower)

  • -Alliums containing sulfur (garlic, onions, shallots)

  • -Dandelion greens increase bile flow, and benefits urination

  • -Burdock root supports the liver and kidney

  • -Chlorophyll supports healthy blood

  • -Celery juice increases urination and is detoxifying to the whole body. It is important to only purchase organic celery as this vegetable is 99% water volume, meaning that it will contain higher amounts of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides if purchased as a conventionally grown vegetable. For more information, look up ‘The Dirty Dozen’

  • -Include fresh vegetable juices containing carrots, celery, cilantro*, beets, parsley, and ginger. *Cilantro is great at chelating/metabolizing heavy metal toxicity.

Beneficial Herbal teas may be prepared to assist in detoxification of the liver. Again, couple this with the inclusion of foods and supplements which benefit Phase 2 clearing (read on for more info!) These include tea blends of burdock, dandelion, ginger, licorice, cardamom seeds, and cinnamon bark. Please be aware that licorice does have a higher herb-drug interaction. You can view potential herb-drug interactions here:

Other beneficial cooking herbs include rosemary, citrus peels, caraway, and dill. turmeric and curry.

Alethea Jones