Herbs and Teas for Spring care as compliment to detox protocols

We’re happy to highlight new teas and herbal blend we are carrying to benefit your transition into Spring! These are great for balancing the body during the seasonal changes of cold to warm weather; and the changes we most often experience during this time. Spring is great for bringing on allergies and other respiratory challenges. The use of various herbs help to balance the body, clean the filters of our body, and even reduce the histamine (the cause of allergies) our body produces in response to the changing world around us (winds, pollen, dry dust, etc)

Scroll below to the descriptions for 3 phases of cleansing for this spring!

The Gentle Cleanse, is a great place to start if you are just starting on your health journey, of a more delicate constitution, or transitioning from the standard american diet.

The Moderate Cleanse is for those who have built off of the gentle cleanse, and are ready to go deeper, and those who have interest in juicing and time to rest during cleansing.

The Stronger Cleanse is for those with previous experience cleansing, more robust constitutions. Here we delve a bit more into water fasting and the addition of some harder hitting herbal formulations.

But first! Here are a few of the teas and herbal blends we have available here in the office.

Spring Care Tea

Our organic spring care tea is an invigorating green medley with an herbaceous prominence, this tea is perfect to enjoying hot or iced throughout the changing seasons.

Caffeine free.

Aroma and Flavor
An invigorating green aroma with an herbaceous prominence, and a surprisingly fresh finish and minty linger.

Organic nettle leaf, organic fennel seed, organic lemongrass, organic spearmint leaf, organic calendula flowers, organic peppermint leaf, organic red clover herb, organic lavender flowers, and organic blue vervain.

Not for use in pregnancy except under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Persons with allergies to members of the Asteraceae family should exercise caution with calendula, as allergic cross-reactivity to Asteraceae plants is common. Caution advised for persons sensitive to aspirin or other salicylate-containing drugs.

Persephone Detox tea

Going down to the underworld and rising up renewed. When you've been overworked, overindulging, or under stress remember: be kind to yourself. Our organic Persephone’s tea is a blend for transitions, a soothing and rooty decoction to help support your hard working body.

Aroma and Flavor
Robust and rooty aroma with a deep vigor, and a hearty, complex flavor with spiced citrus notes.

Organic burdock root, organic dandelion root, organic Oregon grape root, organic eleuthero root, organic yellow dock root, organic milk thistle seed, and organic marshmallow root.

Not for use in pregnancy except under the supervision of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Milk thistle may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae plant family.

Essiac Tea

Our essiac blend is a traditional herbal preparation combining a synergistic blend of organic botanicals, combining burdock root, turkey rhubarb root, slippery elm bark, and sheep sorrel aerial portions (including leaf and some stem). This synergistic polyherbal blend has a mild and pleasant taste and is typically prepared as an infusion. AHA employs the essiac tea in the Stronger Detox Protocol.


  • Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella): Test-tube studies show that this herb can act as a strong anti-viral agent.

  • Burdock root (Arctium lappa): The substances present in this root are known to regulate blood sugar levels, boost skin health, and help in blood circulation.

  • Indian rhubarb (Rheum palmatum): Animal research shows that this plant has potent antioxidant properties and the ability to fight liver cancer cells in mice.

  • Slippery elm (Ulmus rubra): This herb is rich in antioxidants and commonly used as a natural remedy for inflammatory bowel disease.

    It is claimed that Essiac tea — when made with the right amount of ingredients — has potent anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. While the Essiac blend is most commonly used for cancer treatment, some people also use it for treating AIDS, diabetes and digestive issues. 

    That said, some studies show that Essiac tea has antioxidant effects and the ability to prevent DNA and cell damage, which, in turn, could potentially prevent cancer. According to some older test-tube studies, the Essiac blend — when taken in higher amounts — can help prevent leukemia and breast cancer cells from growing. Similar results have also been seen during animal research, though studies on humans are insufficient. More human-based studies are needed to prove the effects of the Essiac blend on cancer cells.   


  • Do not use this product if you have abdominal pain or diarrhea. Discontinue use in the event of diarrhea or watery stools. Use with caution in persons with a history of kidney stones. Not for long- term use.

  • Slippery elm should be taken with at least 250mL (8 oz.) of liquid. Orally administered drugs should be taken one hour prior to or several hours after consumption of slippery elm. The mucilage may slow the absorption of orally administered drugs.

  • We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

Evergreen Liver DTX formula

The encapsulated granule formulation contains a blend of chinese herbs which assist in supporting the liver in detoxification and function. Depending upon dosage, this formaulation is excellent at balancing the liver when taken at smaller doses; higher doses support deeper liver detoxification and has been found beneficial to combating chronic liver conditions. Here is a list of the benefits of this formulation:

  • Enhances the normal metabolic and detoxification functions of the liver.

  • Helps liver damage with elevated enzymes, lowers elevated levels of hepatic enzymes

  • Hepatitis symptoms with our without jaundice

  • Protects the liver from damage from cirrhosis caused by alcohol, drugs or other chemicals

  • Enhances the liver function by increasing the regeneration of liver cells

  • Chinese therapeutic actions: clears heat and eliminates toxins, spreads the Liver qi (energy), drains dampness, tonifies deficiency

Detox Protocols

Spring is an excellent time to cleanse.  If you look around, the natural process of life and evolution includes moments of cleansing.  Not only in nature, but cross-culturally it is vital to expand to clear out that which doesn’t serve us and make room for new possibilities.  Cleansing assists in translating this ‘spring clean out’ to the level of the organs, metabolism, and daily habits; making way for the ability for one to course correct more steadily and with greater ease.

During any of these cleansing processes, it is important to take the time to be easy on yourself, avoid physical, mental stress and exhaustion whenever possible. Maintain a cheerful, positive outlook and avoid dramatic emotional swings. Avoid exposure to toxins whenever possible, including but not limited to chemicals, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides and environmental pollutants.

While each of these protocols support the elimination process of our body, it is always important that the body be functioning and in good standing with elimination. In other words, if you’re someone who doesn’t poop very well, let’s first get you pooping before starting a clean out of the bodies filters. In this case we recommend the Gentle Cleanse protocol.

*Physical stimulation to the back by scratching or intense massage will stimulate the liver to increase activity.*


Here are 3 pathways to cleansing as recommended by Alitheia Healing Acupuncture.  From gentle to more disciplined and demanding; there’s a cleanse here for everyone.

Gentle Cleanse:

Recommended for beginners, those who have never intentionally done a cleanse before.  Also for those with sensitive or weak constitutions and woman looking to cleanse while bleeding. This Gentle Cleanse is great to incorporate into one’s more regular routine when busy is always part of the schedule.

Timeframe: 3-7 days

 This cleanse focus is upon the foods we eat as well as gentle cleansing.  We recommend the Daniel Fast as the basis of all cleanses.  The Daniel Fast lends guidance to the selection of whole foods and grains rich with nutrients and beneficial to alleviating stress on the organs from routine processing.  

Recommended Teas:

  1. Nettle Violet Rose (NVR) Tea for lymphatic drainage.

  2. Persephone Tea for nourishment and cleansing of the liver and kidneys.


  1. 3 days of Daniel Fast with NVR Tea in the morning and Persephone Tea in the afternoon.

  2. Optional to make this cleanse 1 week with one day of water fasting (tea optional) on the 4th day. Followed by the continuation of NVR Tea for another 3 days.

Moderate Cleanse:

This cleanse is recommended for those looking to go deeper into cleansing and have a bit more time for food preparations.  Also for those with the ability to set aside some personal time to deregulate the business of daily routines.  This cleanse and the Stronger Cleanse are best for women during the follicular (the week after bleeding) and ovulation phases of the menstrual cycle.  

Timeframe: 10-14 days

This cleanse builds off the foundation of the Gentle Cleanse, making the Daniel Fast the first step in the process.  This selection of foods will continue thru the entire cleanse, except the optional days of juicing; where in the fruit and vegetable choices will still retain the recommendations of the Daniel Fast.

Recommended Teas:

  1. Nettle Violet Rose (NVR) Tea for lymphatic drainage.

  2. Persephone Tea for nourishment and cleansing of the liver and kidneys.

  3. Spring Well Tea for cleansing support and nourishment of the body in the second half of the protocol.

Recommended Supplements:

Evergreen Liver Detox Formula, taken in the middle of the cleanse for 3 days.


  1. 5 days of Daniel Fast with NVR Tea in the morning and Persephone Tea in the afternoon.

  2. 1-3 days of juice/water fast.

  3. Evergreen Liver Detox Formulation for days in the middle of the cleansing cycle; working with 10-14 days.

  4. The last 3-5 days of the cleanse, stop the Persephone Tea and drink the Spring Care Tea and NVR Tea for the remainder of your cleanse.

Suggestions: Take a day of juicing, followed by the water fast, then another day of juicing.  

Juicing suggestions to boost liver detoxification:

Juice #1 gentle liver cleansing

  • Kale

  • Collard greens

  • Mustard greens

  • Carrots 

  • Celery

  • Cucumber

Mix with Spring Well tea if you like. Drink 16 oz glass, 1-2 times a day.

Juice #2 liver toxicity 

  • Chard

  • Kale

  • Spinach

  • Beet

  • Carrot

  • Apple

  • One spoonful of spirulina or chlorella

  • Consume one to two glasses daily

Nutritional recommendations for those with diagnosed Liver conditions: bringing balance into your daily world.

Rice, barley, millet, azuki beans, pearl barley

squash, dandelion greens, beet greens, water chestnut, carrot, cabbage, spinach, celery, rice vinegar, and lotus root.

pineapple, winter melon, pears, grapefruit, cucumber

How to incorporate and prepare:

  • Cook lotus root, then puree, and cook into rice or millet porridge.

  • Juice watermelon, pears and celery.

  • Make mung bean soup with pearl barley.

  • Soak grapefruit and peel in rice vinegar overnight, then take one teaspoon in one cup of warm liquid.

  • Take cucumber juice on an empty stomach every morning.

Avoid dairy products, alcohol, coffee, sugar, fatty and fried foods, overly spicy foods, cold and raw foods, tomato, eggplant, bell peppers, and shellfish.

Stronger Cleanse:

This cleanse is recommended for those with experience on cleansing. Also for those with long standing diabetes, digestive conditions and a history of cancerous cells. Like the Moderate Cleanse, this protocol asks you to set aside some personal time to deregulate the business of daily routines.  This cleanse is best for women during the follicular (the week after bleeding) and ovulation phases of the menstrual cycle.  

Timeframe: 10-14 days

This cleanse builds off the foundation of the Gentle & Stronger Cleanse protocols, making the Daniel Fast the first step in the process.  This selection of foods will continue thru the entire cleanse, except the days of juicing; where in the fruit and vegetable choices will still retain the recommendations of the Daniel Fast.

Recommended Teas:

  1. Nettle Violet Rose (NVR) Tea for lymphatic drainage.

  2. Persephone Tea for nourishment and cleansing of the liver and kidneys.

  3. Essiac Tea for cleaning the digestive system and neutralizing the growth of cancer cells.

  4. Spring Well Tea for cleansing support and nourishment of the body in the second half of the protocol.


  1. NVR Tea is consumed in the morning through out the entire cleanse period.

  2. Begin Persephone Tea on day 1 and continue for 3-5 days. Best when consumed in the afternoon or evening.

  3. In the evening of days 5-12, for 3-5 days, Stop the Persephone Tea and Prepare/Consume the Essiac Tea. Drink the Essiac Tea before bed.

    NOTE: The Essiac Tea requires a 12 hour process to prepare. Instructions are on the jar. It is extremely important to drink lots of water and fluids while on the Essiac Tea. In teh event of diarrhea and loose bowels, discontinue use of the Essiac Tea and proceed to #4 in this protocol.

  4. At the end of the 3-5 days drinking the Essiac Tea; Continue on drinking the NVR Tea in the morning (you should have never stopped) and drink the Spring Care Tea during the day or evening. Continue for as long as you like.

Alethea Jones